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Photo du rédacteurNadia Aubin

Well hello you

Well, this is it guys,

Finally doing it!

After several years of procaffeinating, the time has come to bring this little baby to life: Red Lips and Coffee Sips!

If you are reading these lines, I must personally thank you. Kinda means a lot. I know some of you have followed my adventures for several years as I wrote for diverse outlets and I've always been a tad scared to start my own project. I mean, we've all bean there ;)

But now, here I am; ready to brew!

I have decided to create this platform to write about what I know best: anything that has to do with our beautiful city of Montreal, whether it's booze or food and of course where to get a killer cup of cappuccino in town, but also to write about my travels even if sometimes I can only afford a trip to my backyard.

Now that you know what Red Lips and Coffee Sips will mostly be about, I must warn you of the occasional coffee pun such as being latte for work after reading one too many articles and perhaps get the sudden urge to buy a one-way ticket never to return.

Can't say I didn't warn you.

so shall we, 


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